We want to help you kick ass.
Artist Management
by Artists, for Artists
Everything great begins with an idea.
And becomes reality with a team.
Parallax Creative supports sustainable careers and creates compelling visual art for musical artists. We offer guidance, direction, and advocacy, dreaming big with a pragmatic point of view.
Projects we've worked on before include:
coordinating major music campaigns
album and product releases
tour planning
writing and recording an album
promotion/rollout campaigns
breakdowns of major goals into a realistic timeline with achievable steps toward the end goal
career timeline mapping
strengths/weaknesses analysis
It's an intimidating balancing act, but one we've gotten good at: keeping budgeting, deadlines, marketing campaigns, album art, promo photos, music videos, visual content, blogs, radio, social media, and more all on track and on schedule!
Want to know more about us? We love:
seeking honest answers to tough questions
making ideas come to life
good conversation
good whiskey
We live for that moment when an idea strikes and you know it's the one. The moment when you see people connect with the things you've created, or advocated for. The moment that reminds you why you give your all in the in-between. The moment when you realize it's well past midnight, but 7pm feels five minutes ago, because you were so engaged in your work that you never felt the time pass.